Monday, January 19, 2009

This new road.....

Well here I am after 8 years of a wonderfully exciting life.....all of a sudden.........standing at the cross roads and just looking........not yet taking those few steps of my new life, not out of fear but more that I still have a few threads of the old life to sort out before taking the 'new road'.

So what is this new road? Well, it is unemployment! Scary when taken in the context of the global financial crisis but a challenge for me considering the type of life I have led in the past 8 years.

From a high flying, spending most of my time at airports, in planes, in hotel rooms, in exotic now contemplating staying at home.

Well, it is not really a stay at home.......doing nothing type of thing, it is more that, I have to adjust from a life of living out of suitcases to now a life more grounded and with all the time in the world to do what I want to do.

And what do I want to do, well for right now and how I am feeling? I feel that I just need a good rest.....right now that thought of a good rest is a luxury. Although I am officially unemployed and my contract has ended I am completing stuff for my work and I cannot describe how hard I am working to finish the stuff so I can have a little rest. You know? just put my feet up, wake up late in the mornings, not having to rush to the airport, doing my own laundry, create my little garden at home...experiment with organic agriculture....and OH YEAH! do my studies............

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